May 9, 2007


"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak."

- Hans Hofmann, Introduction to the Bootstrap, 1993

What Frugality Is:

Being frugal means putting very careful thought into any purchases in order to reduce waste and cut-down on unnecessary spending of money that can be used to achieve a more fulfilling purpose

Being frugal means being resourceful: using things you already own in a creative way; taking advantage of money saving opportunities; trading/bartering with others.

Being frugal means not falling into the financial trap that most people walk blindly into: you are in control of your finances, your finances do not cause you major stress, you feel rich with what you have, and you are free to pursue more important goals.

Being frugal means "living simply, so others can simply live."

What Frugality Is Not:

Being frugal does not mean being cheap, it just means not spending blindly.

Being frugal does not mean going without, nothing is sacrificed because the point of it is to be better taken care of.

Being frugal does not mean you don't have anything, it just means you don't have anything you don't need or really want.

What Is The Point?

Frugality and healing the earth go hand in hand: the less you use and the more thoughtful you are about the way you use/reuse things, the less impact you have on damaging the earth and her resources.

Frugality is also a very spiritual practice: it frees you from being weighed down by debt, clutter, and financial worry so that you are more free to live and work on your other goals. It is also spiritual because it gets you more in touch with the land you live on and makes you appreciate the resources it gives you.

And finally, frugality makes you rich! You will just naturally have more money if you practice frugality. Those savings can be used in any way - buying a house, donating to good causes, financing a dream you've always wanted to fulfill.

The fact is, the earth is being raped of all her resources. We are killing the very thing that allows us to live, and as little sense as that makes, it continues to happen - all for money.

We need to stop and no matter what they tell you, your impact does matter.

"With greater emphasis on working to live, not living to work, we are creating awareness for simpler solutions, a more creative existence with healthier, happier longevity, for those brave enough to accept the challenge."

-Tracey Smith

Here's a two part article for more information:

Voluntary Simplicity part 1
Voluntary Simplicity part 2

TTW Resources

Frugal Shopper
This is my go-to site for anything frugal related. Highly recommended.

The Dollar Stretcher

Frugal For Life

Thrifty Fun

All Things Frugal

Hillbilly Housewife

The Thrift Store Whore

Mighty Bargain Hunter
Being frugal and saving money

Better Budgeting
Money saving tips.

Budget 101
Living within your means.

Pagan Thrift
A site to share your pagan related thrifty finds, get good ideas.
Coupons mailed to you.

Futura Rewards
A program that helps you save money for an education.

Canadian Free Stuff
Free stuff, samples, etc.

Flyer Mall
Get your fliers online so you know what's on sale and you save the paper used to make fliers.

Bargain Hunter
A site to sell your stuff.

Great place to find people who need the stuff you're getting rid of.

Recycle This

Everyday Trash

Free site to buy, sell, or give away products and services.

Free site to buy, sell, or give away products and services.

Greedy Or Needy
You make a wish for something you want or need. People vote. The highest votes win money.

Swap Thing
Trade the things you have for the things you want.

U Exchange
Free swap site.

Candle Making
Information about candle-making

Home Canning
Instructions and recipes on how to do canning at home.

Freezing Vegetables
A list of vegetables and the best way to freeze them.

30 Day Gourmet
About freezer cooking.

Frozen Assets
A discussion group about freezer cooking.

Food Preservation
Canning, freezing, drying, smoking, pickling, etc.

Solar Cooking

Local Harvest
Buying your food locally is better overall for your health, your wallet, your economy, and the environment.

100 Mile Diet
This is a challenge to try to eat as much food as possible that has traveled 100 miles or less from where you live.

Food Routes

TransFair Canada

Less Toxic Guide
Guide to products that are better for you and the environment.

Reusable Bags
This site is all about bags.

Car Free Day
I don't drive but for those who do, check it out.

Hostels In Canada
Cheap places to stay when traveling.

Virgin Mobile
The most economical cell phone plan I've ever come across... no contracts!

ING Direct
A great place to start a savings account.

Pledge Bank

Habitat For Humanity

Amnesty International

Darkness Against Child Abuse

Earth Island Institute

Petition Online

Canada Helps

Just Give

Environment Hamilton

Transportation For Livable Communities

Earth Day

Earth Caretaker


Order Of Gaia

Certificate Swap
Buy gift certificates at a discount, sell your gift certificates, trade.

Thrifty Tips

Simply Living

Goodwill International

The Salvation Army

No Impact Man

If you want to suggest a site, please feel free to contact me.

-Love Marylin.

Faery Oracle Readings

I've been reading cards over half my life and have found that sometimes when a situation seems muddled, the cards can provide some needed clarity.

I will not tell you the name of your future husband, or when you're going to die: I am not Miss Cleo, or a fraud for that matter. I will give you objective insight into your situation; what is going wrong and what can be done to attain the results you're seeking; what is coming up around the corner if you continue on this path, and other such guidance regarding your situation.

If you would like a Faery Oracle Reading, or have any questions about how a reading works, please email me at

Here are the different layouts to choose from including pricing:


Celtic Cross - 10 card reading - $20

The Celtic Cross layout is a ten card reading that tells you about the following aspects of the situation:

1. The basis of the situation - what the question is about
2. The obstacles - what is the major difficulty
3. The thoughts going through the person's head
4. The thing that will best help the person
5. The past of the situation
6. What's going to be happening soon in the situation
7. How you're feeling
8. The people and influences around the situation
9. The hopes and fears about the situation
10. The outcome of the situation

Past, Present, Future - 3 pile reading - $20

The Past, Present, Future layout uses three piles of cards:

Pile #1 tells you about the past of the situation
Pile #2 tells you about the situation at present
Pile #3 tells you about the future of the situation - what's going to happen.

Past, Present, Future - 3 card reading - $10

The Past, Present, Future layout uses three cards:

Card #1 tells you about the past of the situation
Card #2 tells you about the situation at present
Card #3 tells you about the future of the situation - what's going to happen.

Appropriate Action Layout (or best steps to take) - $20

The Appropriate Action layout uses the cards to tell you, step by step, what you need to do to arrive at your desired outcome.

One Card Reading - $5

Uses one card to answer a question.

If you would like a reading, please email me at