May 25, 2008

The Hunt For Meat II

Saturday morning at the market proved to be a little more difficult than I imagined: I mean, how do you politely ask someone if they mis-treat their livestock?

I suppose you don't, and I'm not very good with verbalizing my thoughts, but this is important to me - I'm on a mission!

I was quite pleased to find that the very first person I approached was indeed selling beef that spent most of it's time outdoors, grass and grain fed.

The slightly higher cost for his cuts are very much worth it (for all creatures involved, I'd say).

So Goddess bless the farmers market! It's very much worth checking yours out:

Farmers Markets Ontario
Canada's Guide To Farmers Markets

Next week I'll talk with some of the other meat sellers and see just how many of them are following good practices, but from now on, I know where I'm getting my meat.

-Love Marylin.

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